关于 Remitly


我们愿意为全球远赴异国谋生与工作的数百万移民同胞竭尽绵薄之力。他们为了守护爱人, 改善家人生活而默默地恪守承诺。我们将竭尽全力帮助我们的用户,协助将辛苦钱安全送达远在故乡的亲人手中。以下是我们的用户故事:

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When immigrant communities have access to financial tools and resources, they change the future for themselves and their loved ones. They also transform the local economies where they live and work, as well as the countries where they send money. Remitly has joined Pledge 1% and through Remitly's charitable giving programs, we invest in and support the organizations and coalitions who are committed to improving economic, financial and social inclusion of immigrants and their families.

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