New customer offer

Send money to China

Get a special rate and no fees on your first transfer with Remitly

You send
They receive
Total cost

New customers only. One per customer. Limited time offer. Any rates shown are subject to change. Promotional FX rate applies to first EUR 1,000.00 sent. See Terms and Conditions for details.

New customers only. One per customer. Limited time offer. Any rates shown are subject to change. Promotional FX rate applies to first EUR 1,000.00 sent. See Terms and Conditions for details.

Find out why millions worldwide trust Remitly

Peace of Mind

You and your recipients can track your transfer every step of the way.

Great Value

Enjoy consistently great rates and no hidden fees. Whether using the app or online, you'll see all fees before sending.

Delivery Time Guaranteed

You can trust that transfers will be delivered on time or we’ll refund your fees.

Choose what works best for you and your recipient to send to China

Bank deposit

Bank deposit





Alipay, WeChat, and bank deposit in China

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